GRIDS identifies the importance of bundled services for worldwide commerce, business and financial sectors that require KYC – Know Your Customer guidelines and identifies the service receiver through an internationally accepted eIDAS eID system.
As a result, part of the project focuses on existing services, whose addressable market is really large and will have a significant growth, especially due to the Covid pandemic period.
Deliverable “D4.3 – APIs Development and Deployment” is related to Activity 4 of the GRIDS project (increasinG tRust with eId for Developing buSiness).
The goal of this deliverable is to provide an SDK that will allow end-users to connect to GRIDS service offerings through standard, publicly available and GDPR compliant APIs. This SDK will allow the seamless and SSO-based integration of end-users with KYC services, greatly enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of the due diligence process.